
tue02may6:30 pmBeilby Porteus, Bishop of London & Beilby Porteus, Boy Slave: Two Lives in an Age of EmpireIn-person lecture by Desiree Baptiste6:30 pm The Georgian Group, 6 Fitzroy Square, FitzroviaBook Now

Event Details

£15 members/£18 non-members

Beilby Porteus, chaplain to George III and Bishop of London from 1787–1809, was a leading advocate against Britain’s involvement in the slave trade. But was he history’s only Beilby Porteus? Remarkably, no. The other Beilby Porteus, an enslaved child born on the Codrington Estate,
Barbados, and a ghostly presence in the archives, vanishes from the records as a teen, during the early-1830’s, a few years before the full emancipation of the Empire’s enslaved. Desirée Baptiste, a London-based
writer and researcher, brings together two lives, one, vastly chronicled, the other, virtually silent, and both, inextricably intertwined in an age of Empire.

The talks starts at 6.30pm, doors open from 6.15pm.

Georgian Group members are eligible for a discount on their ticket by entering GGMEMBER at the checkout.

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(Tuesday) 6:30 pm


The Georgian Group

6 Fitzroy Square, Fitzrovia

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