Supporters Circle

We invite you to join The Georgian Group Supporters Circle.

The Georgian Group is a heritage conservation charity founded in 1937 to protect and promote buildings and landscapes of the Georgian period. Our aims are to protect from destruction or disfigurement Georgian buildings, monuments and parks and gardens of architectural and historic interest, encouraging their appropriate repair or restoration and the protection and improvement of their settings; to promote public appreciation and engagement with Georgian architecture, town planning and Georgian design as expressed in the arts and craftsmanship of the period.

As a National Amenity Society, the Georgian Group has a statutory role in the planning process in England and Wales. We are consulted on all proposals to alter or demolish listed buildings of the period 1700 to 1840. We help to protect historic buildings by providing advice to local planning authorities, church bodies, owners, and architects and through specific campaigns.

The Georgian Group employs 4.2 FTE Conservation Advisors. In 2023 we were consulted on 6459 planning applications involving demolition or alterations to listed buildings. This represents 60% of the total submitted to the planning database of the Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies.

This expert advisory work is at the heart of the Georgian Group’s mission and is its single largest cost.
By joining our Supporters Circle you will help to ensure that our Georgian heritage continues to be protected.

Supporters circle

For a minimum annual donation of £1,000 we are delighted to offer you:

  • Invitations to an annual programme of special Supporters circle visits led by owners, architects and curators.

  • Special events held at the Georgian Group headquarters in Fitzroy Square joined by the Director and Trustees.

    The Georgian Group Supporters Circle is available for individual or couple membership. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

    supporter's circle

    For more information about the Supporters Circle contact:
    David Adshead
    T: 0207 529 8920