The Georgian Group is compiling a Heritage at Risk list for 2024 which will highlight the plight of eighteenth-and early nineteenth century buildings and landscapes that could and should have a brighter future.
You can nominate a heritage building or landscape that is at risk via: .
Please include in your email details of when it was created, its location, the reasons why you believe it should be included on the Georgian Group’s list, together with one or more photographs. The nominated building or landscape must be in England or Wales and built between 1700 – 1837. It can be listed or unlisted but must be in a poor state of repair or condition, be disused or unoccupied or perhaps threatened by demolition or inappropriate alterations or change of use.
To view the 2023 list click here.
If you love Georgian Architecture and want to help protect it by becoming a member of The Georgian Group please visit
Image: Virginia Knight, cc-by-sa 2.0