Support Us

There are a number of ways you can help support the important work of the Georgian Group. Why not consider joining as a member or Supporter, giving a donation or leaving a gift in your Will?


Your support helps us employ four dedicated Conservation Advisers who travel across England and Wales giving expert advice on planning applications affecting Georgian buildings and gardens. Quite often, especially with buildings listed Grade II, we are the only voice speaking up for a threatened part of our heritage. By joining us as a member you will help support our important core work. 

Membership also includes:

  • Annual Georgian Group Journal
  • Twice-yearly magazine
  • Access to member events including lectures, walks and country visits

We offer a range of different membership options – from annual or lifetime memberships (individual and joint options) to corporate membership for your business. 

Become a member

Corporate Membership

The Georgian Group welcomes likeminded organisations, which champion best practice within their area of expertise or specialism, to join us as Corporate Members. Contact us on 0207 529 8920 or via so that we can discuss how Corporate Membership of the Georgian Group might be of benefit to your organisation. Alternatively, click the button below to become a Corporate Member today. 

Corporate Membership includes:  

  • A copy of the Georgian Group Journal and two editions of The Georgian magazine
  • A Digital Supporter Badge for use on platforms
  • A variety of sponsorship opportunities  
  • Inclusion on our list of supporters on our website
  • The opportunity to attend networking events
  • Discounts on advertising in The Georgian magazine
  • Discounts on room hire in our headquarters at Fitzroy Square, London  
Become a Corporate Member

Supporters Circle

We invite you to join The Georgian Group Supporters Circle.

The Georgian Group employs 4.2 FTE Conservation Advisors. In 2023 we were consulted on 6459 planning applications involving demolition or alterations to listed buildings. This represents 60% of the total submitted to the planning database of the Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies. This expert advisory work is at the heart of the Georgian Group’s mission and is its single largest cost.

By joining our Supporters Circle you will help to ensure that our Georgian heritage continues to be protected.

For a minimum annual donation of £1,000 (in addition to normal membership benefits) we are delighted to offer you:

  • Invitations to an annual programme of special Supporters circle visits led by owners, architects and curators.

  • Special events held at the Georgian Group headquarters in Fitzroy Square joined by the Director and Trustees.

    The Georgian Group Supporters Circle is available for individual or couple membership. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

  • Join the Supporters Circle


    The generosity of our supporters ensures that our important Georgian built heritage can be enjoyed by generations to come. Every penny we receive goes directly towards our important work.

    As a small charity, gifts of any size can make a huge difference to us. In the past, we have been lucky enough to benefit from one-off gifts, regular monthly donations towards our Oak Fund (to cover casework costs) and a range of legacy bequests. As our workload increases, and public funding continues to decline, revenue from donations is more important than ever. 

    Thanks to your support and generosity, we are able to continue to fight for the sensitive and appropriate conservation of our national heritage.

    Give a donation


    Occasionally we have opportunities to volunteer with us on specific projects.

    We are currently not actively seeking new volunteers, but you are welcome send an enquiry to 

    Leave a gift to the Georgian Group

    Since 1937 the Georgian Group has protected and promoted our Georgian heritage. Leaving a gift in your Will to the Georgian Group is a positive way to ensure that our work can continue for years to come.

    When discussing leaving a gift in your Will with a trained professional, you will need to provide our charity number (209934) and registered charity address: 6 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5DX.

    If you would like to discuss leaving a legacy to the Georgian Group, please contact us at:


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