Young Georgian Ball

£70 The Young Georgians invite you to join them at Fitzroy Square for an evening of feasting, dancing and general merriment! The festivities will commence in the Gardens at 6pm …

London Visit: Greenwich

£15 A final visit to the home of the late Ann Broadbent. A loyal member of the Georgian Group for over half a century, who hosted the group to her …

Young Georgian Visit: Bath

£50 Join us for a visit to the historic Georgian city of Bath, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to the works of Wood (the most successful town planner …

Young Georgians Summer Picnic 2024

Join the Young Georgians for a summer picnic after work in Kensington Gardens. The exact pin will be added to the Young Georgians WhatsApp group (please email to be …

Young Georgian Visit: Salisbury

£30 Join us for a packed day of architectural and artistic treasures. We will begin the day with a tour of a stunning private house in the Cathedral close dating …

London Walk: Clerkenwell

£35 Come and spend an autumn morning exploring the history and architecture of the streets and gems of Clerkenwell. Clerkenwell was one of London’s first suburbs when it became a …

British Cemeteries: a Georgian Invention

£15 members/£18 non-members We tend to think of cemeteries as Victorian, but their origins lie much earlier. There are two key phases: first, urban growth around 1700 demanded new burial …

Online Lecture: Nelson Court

£5 members/£7 non-members The Nelson Garden was created in the late 18th century as a town garden in the centre of Monmouth, a place that went on to create a …